
Email Marketing Tips Everyone Should Read About

If a customer really doesn’t want emails from you, you could lose business. The following tips are all designed to help you make sure the people on your email list have genuinely opted in. Only send marketing emails to people who have requested them. Your emails may be marked as spam by people who are not interested in receiving them. This not only negatively impacts your reputation with your customer, it puts your business at risk of being blocked by your ISP for being in violation of their spam policies. here we share Email Marketing Tips Everyone Should Read About.

Tips to Consider:

  • Data mine your email list and bucket your audience into various segments based on any profiling data you have. This will allow you to be more strategic with your messaging and effectively increase your chances of higher open and click-through rates. Even if you don’t have profiling, look to geo-targeting. Various regions respond differently to different types of messaging.
  • Get creative with your email designs to find out what works best. Send out a few emails with content and links that differ in their fonts and text color. Play around with image positioning, including buttons and logos. After you’ve sent the emails, find out which ones had the best click-thru rates. Stick with those for the time being, but change it up on occasion to see if you can find a method that works even better. More click-thru rates equate to more sales.
  • Post a version of your newsletter with graphics and animation on your website. Then send your email list a plain text version of the newsletter with a link to the web version. This keeps your emails simple enough to stop them from being diverted to the spam folder as well as encouraging your customers to visit your website.
  • You should send your emails as a plain text every once in a while instead of always sending them in HTML format. This gives things a more personal touch and helps the subscriber feel that you are trying to connect. Do not use it too much though because then you may be seen as being too unprofessional.
  • Give customers the choice of getting a plain text version of your email marketing materials or a rich text version. Customers can choose the option they prefer when they sign up for your newsletter. Plain text versions don’t include graphics, so customers with slower connections or overactive spam filters might appreciate this option.

How to Send emails to customers:

  • There is no excuse for not getting permission, before sending emails to customers. Being known as a spammer is the worst reputation a company can have online and will lead to a loss in customers and sales. There is also the chance that particular Internet service providers will block you, which could seriously damage your business.
  • Put real consideration into where you place links in your marketing newsletters. For example, you don’t want to send readers away from your email before you give them their call to action. You also don’t want to put your priority links at the end of an email where they may be overlook.
  • Tell a story with your email marketing campaign. You must think about how to grab the readers’ attention. How better to grab their attention than to tell a story that involves success in your business niche. This gets them intrigue, and it gives you an opportunity to get new customers.
  • Getting permission is of the utmost importance before you send someone an email. If you do not, your emails will be view as spam. You will quickly lose subscribers and be banish to the junk mail pile. If your ISP gets enough complaints about you, they may drop you for spam policy violations.

Final Words:

Make sure your email marketing campaign has an exit sign for those that want to opt out or unsubscribe. While they are very inexpensive, each email does cost a bit of money. You do not want your business to be consider in a negative way or to have your email address put on blacklistings. It is of the utmost importance to have the emails being sent to people who have choose to receive them. Sending emails indiscriminately to those who have not requested them may ultimately harm your business and attract lots of negative feedback. Use what you’ve read here to protect yourself and your business!

Photography Enthusiast

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