
You Do Not Have To Live With Your Acne Try These Ideas

You have searched the internet and you have consulted with your closest friends but you keep on coming across the same ways of treating acne that are not working for you. Here are some unconventional methods that you probably have not heard of that have been proven to help clear acne. Did you ever think that talking on a cell phone could cause an acne breakout? Cell phones pick up the oils from your hair and face and deposit them back to your face. It’s also helpful to avoid letting your skin touch the phone when using it. You Do Not Have To Live With Your Acne Try These Ideas

Tips And Tricks:

  • Pre-menstrual symptoms can become a precursor to a blemish nightmare. Alleviate PMS by taking such natural supplements as St. John’s Wort or krill oil. These supplements have been scientifically tested and proven to alleviate such symptoms. Lower PMS will in turn reduce the number of potential blemishes that will occur.
  • If your skin is acne prone, try using as many spray products as possible. When you apply product with your hands, you are also spreading oils and bacteria that will clog your pores. Using spray products will allow you to keep your hands away, keeping your face nice and clean.
  • Make sure to get a lot of sleep. Whenever you get sleep reduce the amount of stress on your skin. This reduces the amount of blockage in your pores and decreases the amount of blackheads you will get. It also decreases the amount of breakouts you will get.
  • Friction and pressure can aggravate pimples and make them more likely to rupture which can cause scars. Avoid wearing tight clothing such as turtlenecks, holding a telephone to your cheek for too long and always adjust straps on helmets so they are not too restrictive. Try to wear clothing that breathes as well, such as cotton.
  • If you can, try using only powder makeup in place of liquid makeup. Liquid makeup is more likely to have oil that can cause your breakouts to worsen. Liquid makeup also can cause your pores to be blocked. You should apply as little powder as possible. Only apply as much as you feel that you need.

How to cure:

  • If you are suffering from small periodic outbreaks of acne, try using an over the counter acne fighting medication. These work to dry out the pimples and remove bacteria. Be very careful in how much you apply as these medications can cause dryness and redness on your skin. Start with small amounts and increase them slightly until you start to see an effect.
  • You should wash your pillowcases several times a week. If you do not have a washer and dryer at home, make sure you have plenty of pillowcases on hand between trips to the laundromat. Dead skin cells, hair products and other body products, get trapped in your bedding and can block and irritate your pores. Your pillowcases may not always match your bed-set, but you can rest assured your bedding won’t be contributing to future breakouts.
  • Rubbing garlic onto an acne breakout, can help to heal the blemishes and prevent new ones from forming. It can leave you smelling kind of stinky, so if you want to take a garlic tablet once a day, it will help. It may take a bit longer to see the effects but you will not smell like garlic.
  • An important tip to consider when concerning acne is to consider joining an online forum. This is important because not only will you have a support group to assist you, but you may also pick up on other tips or tricks that might assist you. This is helpful if you cannot afford professional advice.
  • A clean and natural look is best if your skin is prone to acne. Makeup can clog pores and cause more pimples, even when you’re just trying to hide the ones you already have. Makeup applicators, such as sponges and brushes, tend to spread the bacteria. Throw out any applicators you are currently using and don’t apply makeup again until your skin is totally zit-free.

Final Words:

In conclusion, you tried all of the popular ways of clearing or preventing your acne but nothing has worked for you. You probably have never heard of these methods, but as long as you follow them correctly you might just find that they work for your unique body type.

Garden The Organic Way With These Great Tips!

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